Friday, May 05, 2006


Colourblind- was something I thought I was not. That i was perceptive of things between the blacks and the whites. But it so happened that the coloured colour of those colours came through to the conventional inward eye and impacted the mental retina imparting a knowledge of an already known.

For those biblically incognizant, Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss. Thats bad and news old; whats badder and personally new is - Jesus learnt the Judas kiss. Its the incogruity, the surrealistic juxtaposition of the exorbitant opposites thats stunning and saddening.

Its extremely unfitting and heart searing that the sublime and anything representative of it should once in a while or even once in all the while, kiss the filthy. Its like stabbing your own back; or face more aptly. You rather something in the world, and the same you, willingly or otherwise gash the verything with what in comparision makes the first likeable and upheldable; with what, the dislike of which is actually the love for the other- that, is what is the most repugnant thing in the world.

Its the Jesuses in the world who actually take the 'Judas kiss' to the next level. It only takes a soft kiss from a Jesus to turn the judas kiss from a detestable put-away to a frightening stinging venin.

It shatters me that atlest someones on the lines of a writer or a novelist should not be spared the capacity for the 'JK'.


Anonymous said...

The bottom line is HIGH ..its HIGH stuff .....a stuff which could be dealt with people who do HIGH living ......its HIGH vocabulary needs HIGH knowledge also needs HIGH thinking .....well ......lets appreciate Praneeth HIGHLY ..not for this single HIGH thing...because the whole blog is HIGH ..........I rate this very HIGH ......
{Pavan Kishan}

praneeth said...

Dude Kishan,

u HIGH on something or what!?!? ;)

this is too bombastic for a loser's whine-n-rattle... he he