Friday, June 23, 2006

The Sonata

The sonata

This is an idea, of Love, of any relationship, I came across in a book--Love is a Sonata; of a different kind.

A Sonata, a form of classical music, has three phases:

The Opening
The Development
The Expression

The Opening is where the fundamental constructs of the Sonata—the musical elements and chords—are grandly exposed.

The Development phase is where the chords are subjected to a rigorous and diverse treatment, cruising them through the majors and minors and every possible form they are capable of. The various possible permutations and combinations are laid bare…

The Expression is the conclusive, comprehensive, unifying manifestation; the greatest virtue this set of chords is capable of assuming.

Now, we have everything we need to sketch the analogy………….here we go:

Two people meet; the beginning of the beginning—its lovely, sweet, beautiful, joyous, intoxicating, uninhibitting. A wonderful event in space and time.
(I’m reminded of the Tom Petty song: Into the great wide open
Under the sky so blue
Out in the great wide open
However without a clue…)

Now comes the irking part. The Development. Boredom sets in; ‘Taking for granted’ is also given its share in the pie; ‘Shouting’ seeps in; ‘Doubts’ doubt; and a million other emotional processes, some even intangible and unperceivable thrust themselves upon the relationship.

It’s the ultimate exposure. Putting of the hidden cards on the table. An extensive revelation of the two sets of ‘chords’ that make these two human beings. Every string is plucked in concomitance with its counterpart in the other person; and so is every set of them.

It’s like a test, a discovery, a travel, a finding out, an exposure, a fulfillment, a completion, the Becoming—of the relationship.

And now comes the yellow metal from the furnace, if at all it does! It settles down with a strange happiness and contentment. A paradoxical excitement finds it place too. A feeling of sublimation; of a state that is ironically animated yet bland fills the air—like a raging calm sea. And you can smell the accomplishment.

This, the love or whatever it is that oozes between the two, has found the most unique demonstration of the most beautiful recipe for the ingredients (chemical, emotional, ethereal, whatever!) that had earlier made two isolated, complimenting bodies.

The Sonata, ladies and gentlemen, has arrived; and is now playing…forever!!!

Now, isn’t everything so fine………….when everything is so fine!

A look at the flipside, groans for its due. So, here we go, one more time:

Generally, everybody, like the hero in the story in consideration,

Loves the beginning,
Fears the second; mistake it for ‘THE END’
And don’t know the third exists.

A sense of reconcilement, of a despicable compromise, seems to stay behind as indigestible dregs.

Cheap relations can camouflage under this theory.
Doesn’t every relationship, good or bad, honest or faked up, patch up and become bearable and Ok, if you bear, have patience and persist?

Isn’t at least love, worthy of being dreamed up as sublime, looked up to something as being devoid of earthly and practical stink??

Aren’t we supposed to feel all right when we hear the Beatles say “love at first sight? Oh yes I’m certain it happens all the time!”

How do we know?

So, here we spinnin, here we spinnin, here we spinnin, here we spun.

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