Friday, March 03, 2006


I remember being asked by someone very long ago what my 'philosophy of life' was. I spat out some convincing extemporaneous wayward hypothesis. That shut him up and me too. But not really. It had been there lurking ominously amidst unfrequented quarters of my sleepy brain-- the question; the fear of the next demand for accountability.

In one jolting moment of the otherwise comatose television exploits, i heard the 'phrase' again and ran to a couple of pages in a book i was reading myself to sleep the previous night. It was a brief biography of George Bernard Shaw.

This, is what i reckon is my 'Philosophy of life' or rather what it has been- for better or worse.

Shaw, it seems, in one of his plays:

“You bet the Lord [aka the life force] didn’t make us for nothing; and He wouldn’t have made us at all if He could have done His work without us. By gum, that must be what we’re for!. He made me because he had a job to do. He let me run loose till the job was ready; and then I had to come along and do it- hanging or no hanging!"

More or less!

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