Friday, March 03, 2006

And what about these!............

"Remember, you are not here merely to look after yourself. I have made your hand to do my work; I have made your brain, and I want you to work with that and try to find out the purpose of the universe.”

I thnk i need to catch up with this man sometime around .


Drifter said...

The setting: Taj Dhaba.

The ambience: Ten drunk idiots yelling at the top of their voices - particularly two idiots hurling abuse and salt-shakers at each other.

The protagonist: Praneeth - arms wide apart - trying to reach the MAN after downing a bottle of beer and inexplicably scaling a ten foot high stack of chairs.

The dialog: "Oh GOD!!! Forgive me, for I have sinned!"

praneeth said...

The vividity of your memory is astounding subba.

Im a wee oblivious about the 'two idiots hurling abuse and salt-shakers at each other' though!

And lest 'THE DIALOG' be misinterpreted, i guess i should nuncupate -the penitent supplication probably had nothing to do with the 'bottle of beer'!