Sunday, May 08, 2005

the box effect.......boxing upforfreedom!

Its funny how the vry thing that is supposed to liberate u , binds u ----knowledge.

It somethimes feels like living in a box-with all ur ideas, perceptions,desires, inclinations and hypotheses.

The fundamental thing is- an idea is a box.
or rather, the choice of an idea is!

The soul of the world is speaks many languages. there aer a million possibilities. infinite explanations as to how a thing can be. And u choose an idea- to be true- with ur sagacity, perception , intution ,reason etc as ur tools. And here uv drawn a line, put a limitation.

uv chosen somthing to represent ur view of an issue ,,,and this idea is a box because it boxes out all other possibilities, ideas pertaining to the issue.

so basically allideas are boxes and every next idea boxes u more or makes the next co-centric box ..whatever!

(An intersting thing tobe observed here is that this boxing effectdoes not apply to established universal truths such as the sun risingin the east,,they dont box u. there are no million ways this can happen ,,and u dont need to form ur idea about this!)

and when somebody (like madonna) says.. u ony see what ur eyes wanna see, u only meet ppl that fit ur tast,,u only make a world that u like out of the real world,,,,they just mean..ur looking thru the limitations of ur box.... u dont hav a unrestricted view!

lookin upto ppl.,
looking down on ppl,
looking thru ppl,
not being able to look thru ppl,
geeting high,
getting low,
looking at the sky,
wetting ur eye,
staring into the moon,
talking to the rabbit,
dreaming at the stars,
getting involved,
getting lost,
getting lonely!
The other side of this coin is that, all these are limitations!

u look up to a man cus, u hav ur reasons to awe.
u look down upon a man cus he doesnt conform to ur view of a MAN.
ur ur perception..

Here it doesnt mean that unintelligent ideas limit u, or i shouldnt make a choice(of an idea) cus it limits u--Its right that u make a choice, that u hav ur views, ur ideas,, and its inevitable that they should limit u,, just how the matrix(this system called world) works!

So the more u crave for the truth, the moreu think, the more u want to know, the more u want direction, - the more u hav to make choices, the more ur boxed!

And the man who gives a damn bout the what and y of things is open to everything, is not limited- but we know thats bad, we know hes lost in some kind of chaotic ocean-undirected!

And when i thot of letting go of all my boxes, i was just reminded that the very next uncomfortable thing that my friend does,is gonna drag me back into reasoning and ultimate hypothecation- boxing--its simply inevitable for the thirsty soul.


And the other day i asked god to kill me- end this- UNBOX ME!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when one chooses or judges what does he put a limitation to? If you are talking about emotion like prjudice then you are right a man who judges and biases himself has put a compelled his mind to not appreciate somthing beyind the line that he has drawn for himself, but your essay does not seem to talk about prejudice it talks about man ability to judge cannot a man judge and yet be objective about his opinions? if you extend your theory and say that if you're judging something then you are no longer objective about it, you are making a semantic argument.