Thursday, March 31, 2005


Why write?
Theres something on my mind so.
Theres something on ya mind,dabble in it , n let it be, isnt that it?
Then it would just be dabbling and nothing more. Don’t u want the fog to clear up?
Writing is tangible thinking. Logical thinking,directed. Perhaps it’s the conversion of a feeling into knowledge,,an established truth.
With writing, ya thinking process gets logical, procedural, u proceed to one point conquerit ,fortify it, and proceed to the next, one stage to another, u get somethinjg to walk on, a grip, instead of floating listlessly.
Its hard to remember intermediary destinations in the thinking process if ya not writing .
I always feel –u feel what u know ,and u hav to use ur reason to know what u know.
I mean , a feeling is a reaction when unconcious knowledge encounters appropriate experience. And the experience keeps u listless until the related inner knowledge outside into ur brain,,,into ur understanding.
And if u forget!—iv come to think that mans memory is extremely volatile . the greatest finding u make, the greatest proof of the beauty in the judicial system of existence that u stumble upon or reason out, ur finest intellectual moments, are unfortunately forgotten soon or blemished and dulled by the next apparent illusive unjust experince . u find out something, ur happy uv got one morething,one more instrument to ease ur living,but the moment u step out and go out into the “sinful world”, and come back, somehow, ur descovery seems as if lacking credibility.
Therefore, u have to put it down. Put it down hard, chisled ,with strong reason. The next time, ud demand urself the reasons y u thot so.
So, writing basically, clears and clarifies ur thinking process, makes it more transtparent, and puts it down right there with strong tangibility so that the following flood of events don’t fade or wash it away!.
Gives u direction,
Gives u flow
A record with infallible memory.
That is probably y every piece of art is given tangibility by the artist. So that u get a physical thing in the physical world and when u subject urself to it again, it gives u the same high u had in the first place.
So every art is basically just a recording of a high.
A conversation.
Writing is like a conversation between u and urself, an endeavour for a unifying truth to be brought out by and from two or more contradictory arguments emanating from different sources.
Writing is solid thinking.
So y a blog?
May be to bring in a third party,
May be ti make it more fun
May be its just show off
May be the girls!
Or may be trying to connect to the like
Could be anything
May it be anything-whatever-now the thing is, there it is now, here, and that’s it.
May be im talkin shit, and all this can be partially or completely nonsense!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I liked the part about why a person should write because it gives him an opportunty to put in perspective his emotional state
If a blog (or a diary) is meant to be a journal, it a wonderful way to keep track of your thoughts and their evolution over a period of time

after that I kinda lost you...

Write to impress the babes?????
Wow! it will be wonderful world if that were true
(by the way there is no sarcasm intended)